Entries by Catherine

Packaging: How to keep your Customers Informed

With plenty of choices, shoppers are taking a greater interest in the information on your packaging. Some details are regulatory requirements, such as weight, storage and ingredients, but what else could influence purchasing decisions? Packaging Design Tips Packaging design is about more than eye-catching graphics and specific colour tones. The boxes, pouches, packets and labels […]

Sustainable Packaging Award Finalists Announced

Packaging Europe has announced the finalists of its international competition. The applicants come from a wide range of disciplines, but all had to demonstrate innovative and sustainable solutions for the packaging industry. The goal in most packaging industries is to: reduce the use of resources minimise waste consider the full packaging lifecycle Sustainable solutions should […]

5 Subscription Boxes: Music to Our Ears

Midsummer’s Day is also known as Fête de la Musique or World Music Day. It is a celebration of music of all genres and the sheer joy of playing music. In light of the occasion, we explore the music subscription boxes that could fuel your passion. For the Love of Music Music is subjective, yet […]

Packaging Design Competition: Better With Less

Less is more. This concept of minimalism centers around valuing what is important and it underpins the annual Better with Less packaging design competition. Organised by the Metsä Group, the focus is on creating great packaging that generates zero waste. This global event is open to students and more experienced innovators who can consider the […]

The Cost of Free Ecommerce Returns

One of the major headaches for any e-commerce business is dealing with returns. To entice shoppers to buy, many companies offer a free returns policy, but this has proven to come at significant financial and environmental costs. Are things about to change? The Cost of Processing Returns The option of free returns means that many […]

Can you Design your Own Packaging?

You may be wondering whether you have to stick to standard boxes or if you can design your own packaging. The answer is that many UK packaging suppliers offer you the option of custom boxes. What’s more, you don’t need to buy in bulk to get cost-effective prices. Printed Stock Boxes for Branded Packaging Some […]

BIB Wine Boxes are Back

Boxes of wine are back – have you spotted them on the supermarket shelf? Now known as BIB (Bag in Box) Wines, what is driving the return of boxed beverages? Wine Boxes; an Australian Invention Wine lovers have a lot to thank Australia for. Firstly, there is Shiraz wine, a favourite tipple across the world […]

Cheap Packaging on a Slow Boat from China

For decades, Chinese factories have produced everything from cardboard boxes to electronics, clothing to automotive components, all at cheap prices. It cost less to order from China and ship goods to the UK than to buy from domestic manufacturers. In recent decades, improvements to working conditions and pay for Chinese employees have resulted in prices […]

Packaging Design Essentials

Last week, the Packaging Speaks Green Conference was held in Milan, Italy. This event highlighted the importance of sustainable packaging solutions for both the global environment and consumer trust. In his keynote speech on day one of the event, Robert Luongo from the Italian Trade Agency stated: “To be innovative today is to be part […]

Think Inside the Box

We’re often encouraged to think outside the box, but when it comes to bespoke packaging, it is important to also think inside the box. Bespoke Boxes Inside & Out A box offers multiple internal and external surfaces, which are often underused. Here are three reasons to pay more attention to what’s inside your packaging design. […]

Are you Attending the Internet Retailing Expo?

Retailers have proven their ability to adapt in response to shifts in consumer behaviours. This was especially evident during lockdown when retailers pulled out all the stops to keep trading. For some, decisions made in haste proved to have long term value for customers and have been embedded in their processes. The challenge with online […]

Searches on E-commerce Websites Just Got Easier

E-commerce websites often hold hundreds of different items of stock. In most cases, these goods are categorised to aid the search and filter process, however, all too often the results fail to match what customers are looking for. Most customers are willing to alter their search criteria, but if the process is deemed complex, time […]

Bespoke Gift Boxes: A Growing Market

The demand for printed gift boxes is being increasingly driven by the e-commerce market. Why is customised packaging worth investing in? Market Growth for Gift Boxes According to Future Market Insights*, the demand for gift boxes continues to grow. Printed packaging improves the presentation and perception of the products inside. It adds value and a […]

Does Easter Hold the Golden Egg for Online Retailers?

The long Easter weekend is traditionally celebrated with the exchange of chocolate eggs, hot cross buns and Simmel cake, but what’s on the cards for online shoppers this year? According to GlobalData*, consumers are expected to increase their spending for Easter 2022. The pandemic resulted in two years where Easter celebrations have been restricted, so […]

What is SCA & How is it Affecting E-commerce?

In 2020, £376million was lost to online fraud. To tackle this, action is being taken to authenticate online transactions. How does this impact e-commerce business and online shoppers? What is SCA? Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) became a mandatory requirement for all online purchases on Monday 14 March. It requires customers to confirm their identity before […]