
Packaging: How to keep your Customers Informed

With plenty of choices, shoppers are taking a greater interest in the information on your packaging. Some details are regulatory requirements, such as weight, storage and ingredients, but what else could influence purchasing decisions?

Packaging Design Tips

Packaging design is about more than eye-catching graphics and specific colour tones. The boxes, pouches, packets and labels on cans or bottles provide information to aid shoppers. There are details that you must include, but how else can you assist your customers?

Recycling information

Recycling icons are a great place to start. If your packaging materials are made from recycled materials or your plant a tree for every 100 purchases made, include this too. Sustainability and environmental protection are important to a growing number of consumers.

Brand niche

Other icons such as Vegan Society approved, FSC® certified or the Red Tractor will add to the appeal of your products for certain buyers. Any information to share brand values, product authenticity or charity partners can sway a purchasing decision.

Digital links

The amount of information that can fit on the packaging is limited, so small text is often used. This can be difficult to read for many. Adding a QR or Navilens code allows shoppers to access digital information so you can share your message without taking up too much space. What additional facts, offers or entertainment would engage your target customer?

Good to Give

With rising demand for food banks, Lidl has added Good to Give labels* to 30 products. These products have been identified as nutritionally balanced foods, with a long shelf life, making them ideal for food banks. Coupled with in-store food collection points, these labels encourage willing shoppers to make donations.


Packaging offers a place to provide instructions. From safe handling and assembly to serving suggestions, pairings and product care information, instructions are helpful. If your goods are packaged in boxes, instructions can be printed on the inside too!

Planning your Packaging Design

So, when planning your packaging design, consider your target customer. What information would they find appealing and helpful? How will you encourage them to buy from your brand, rather than the competition?

