Entries by Catherine

Boxes to Boost Health

It can be a challenge to find locally grown, seasonal fruit and veg in the supermarket. Especially, if you also want to avoid plastic packaging. So what’s the alternative? Able & Cole have delivered fresh and seasonal produce to households across the UK since 1988. They take pride in making it convenient to make choices […]

ReCycled Packaging for Bike Brand

Paper-based packaging can be more sustainable than plastic. However, only when it originates from sustainably managed forests. If logging takes place in ancient or endangered ecosystems, the environmental damage is significant. So, how do you know if your cardboard boxes and paper packaging are ethically sourced? Pack4Good Initiative Canopy Plant has set up the Pack4Good […]

Innovative Packaging Solutions

Packaging is much more than a container. For a start, the style, packaging materials and branding influence the perception of the product. While some packaging solutions, such as cardboard boxes, have remained largely unchanged for decades, the hunt for innovative packaging solutions is always on. This year, 15 emerging companies reached the shortlist of The […]

What We Know About Packaging Recycling

Every item that we purchase in packaging has an impact. Boxes, bottles, packets and tins all require materials, energy and water to produce. However, this is greatly reduced when systems are in place to support packaging recycling. That’s because many packaging materials can be processed for reuse. Cardboard and paper are the most widely used […]

Packaging Upgrade for 2025?

If you love your brand and product, does your packaging reflect the message and values you want to share? Is it time to rethink your retail packaging or better your shipping boxes? We give you food for thought on a packaging upgrade for 2025. What’s the Packaging Style for 2025? The primary trend for the […]

Out-of-the-Box Cardboard Creations

Corrugated cardboard is most widely used to create packaging boxes. Goods are shipped around the world and delivered to our door in this protective, yet humble material. However, some artists think out of the box and view cardboard as a widely available and versatile material for creating art. James Lake: Cardboard Artist One example is […]

Traffic Light System for Packaging Waste

To mark the start of 2025, a new traffic light system has been introduced. Known as Recycling Assessment Methodology (RAM), this applies to large-scale packaging producers. The aim is to encourage a shift to widely recycled materials and increase the percentage of packaging that is recycled. Improving Packaging Waste Management As part of Extended Producer […]

Cardboard Packaging Predictions

After a rollercoaster ride of erratic demand for cardboard packaging, is 2025 the year when things stabilise? Cardboard remains one of the most widely used packaging materials, particularly for industrial shipping cartons and e-commerce postal boxes. However, the industry has experienced a fluctuating market since 2020. Firstly, a steep increase in demand through Covid and […]

Inclusive Packaging Design for 2025

Sustainability remains a packaging priority, but a new approach is being adopted; inclusive packaging design. That is all about using connected technology to provide product information in a variety of formats. How to Make Packaging Inclusive The small font used on packaging to provide important consumer information is difficult to read. For customers with sight […]

Single-Use Plastics Out

France has taken several major steps to reduce plastic packaging. One of the first changes was a ban on plastic bags back in 2017. However, as some retailers are still using them, the French Government has now made it illegal to import or manufacture plastic bags. The removal of plastic packaging for fruit and vegetables […]

Sustainability & Next Day Delivery

For some customers, the option of next-day delivery is a deal maker. They want to know that once their order is placed, it will soon be in their hands. Alongside the last-minute shoppers who are happy to pay for next-day delivery, are customers who live in remote areas. This service provides them with quick and […]

Sweets in Sustainable Packaging

A large tub of chocolate sweets is a festive must-have in many households. Now, a few brands have made it easier to stick with these traditions and have a greener Christmas. Sweets in sustainable packaging may sound like a modern development. However, for Quality Street producer, Nestle, it’s a case of going back to their […]

Is the UK Good at Recycling Packaging?

The latest insight into recycling rates has been released. It shows a slight increase in the percentage of packaging being recycled, yet shows there is plenty of room for improvement. Paper & Cardboard Recycling Firstly, the highest rates for recycling packaging relate to paper and cardboard at 73.4%. That’s because households and business users are […]

The Best Advent Calendars 2024

Advent calendars used to be made from two sheets of card, but not any longer. Now they are beautiful examples of retail packaging that showcase complex box designs. In place of the small, festive scene that was once hidden behind the door, you’ll discover a selection of miniature goods. Each box contains a daily treat […]