Entries by Catherine

Grown in Britain Packaging & Furniture

For the Coronation ceremony, King Charles III commissioned 100 oak chairs, crafted for Grown in Britain timber. This is one small step in the UK’s aim to build a stronger national supply chain for the furniture, packaging, construction and other industries. Supply Chain Sustainability At present, the UK imports the majority of timber used in […]

Paper Industry Gold Awards

There are plenty of excellent initiatives to enhance green credentials and employee well-being across the paper industry. Award events offer the opportunity to gain recognition for some of the notable achievements. The Confederation of Paper Industry Gold Awards highlight achievements in Environmental and Social Responsibility. The shortlisted and winning organisations have evidenced a commitment to […]

Simplified Packaging Design

Social media influencers are an important marketing resource for many brands. This is driving a fresh approach to packaging design. To encourage their boxes, pouches and bottles, brands need distinctive colours, bold fonts and strong graphics. When styling boxes and labels that will be displayed on the shelf, designers know that the customer can handle […]

Bespoke Boxes Provide Interactive Touch Point

Fruit juice has been given a twist for shoppers in Austria and Germany. A partnership between TetraPak and Appetite Creative has developed fruit juice cartons with a difference. Shoppers can click on a code that is printed on the packaging to access serving suggestions. Now, serving suggestions on retail packaging is nothing new, however, these […]

Paper, Cardboard & Wood Recycling Rates

Paper, cardboard and wood are all used to create packaging. Originating from trees, they each provide a natural packaging material that can be recycled and will biodegrade. As brands move toward circular thinking, how do the recycling rates compare? Paper & Cardboard Recycling Paper and cardboard account for the highest volume of packaging produced in […]

Innovation in Sustainable Packaging

Sustainable packaging includes cardboard boxes, aluminium cans, glass and paper. These can be produced from 100% recycled material and are fully recyclable after use. However, they aren’t suitable for all packaging applications. Viable Alternatives to Plastic Packaging If we are going to successfully move away from single-use plastic and other non-biodegradable packaging waste, we need […]

To Recycle or Not To Recycle

That is the question that many consumers contemplate when disposing of packaging. Although much of the packaging we use does feature recycling information, this doesn’t always provide a clear answer. Standardise Packaging Labels In a study by On Pack Recycling Label (OPRL), research suggests that the majority of consumers are willing to recycle. They found […]

Linear V Circular Economy

You may have heard the terms linear economy and circular economy, but what do they mean? Linear Economy A linear economy has been commonplace in modern society. It is where goods and packaging are designed and manufactured with little thought as to what happens to them after use. The result is that once used, the […]

Questions to Ask Packaging Suppliers

If your products need packaging, but you are unsure where to start, an article in Tradeable* might be a useful place to start. The article suggests four questions to ask potential packaging suppliers, which could help you make an informed decision. The first relates to minimum and maximum order sizes. We would add that some […]

Bespoke Boxes for Start-ups

Launching a business is a big occasion, but it doesn’t mean customers will immediately start to buy. They need to discover your products, compare them to others in the market and build up trust in your brand. Packaging design plays a vital role in marketing your product and brand, so you need bespoke boxes, not […]

Ethical Easter Egg Boxes

Egg boxes used for fresh eggs are widely made from recycled paper pulp. 100% recyclable, this is a sustainable packaging solution. However, it is a different story when it comes to chocolate Easter Eggs. For many years, chocolate Easter Eggs have been one of the worst examples of excessive packaging. However, with Easter just a […]

An Incentive to Reduce, Reuse & Recycle Packaging

Encouraging packaging manufacturers, designers and brands to reduce packaging or create solutions that can be easily reused and recycled is nothing new. However, more action is needed to greatly reduce the millions of tonnes of packaging waste that we create each year. That action currently takes the form of Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging (pEPR). […]

Packaging Essential 2023

How can packaging design help to differentiate products in 2023? According to research published by Mintel, brands should focus on how best to communicate three essential factors in their packaging design; value, social responsibility and legislative compliance. Communicating Value in Packaging Design The cost of living has tightened the budget of many shoppers, however, the […]

Sweet! New Confectionery Packaging

In global collections and studies of marine litter, sweet and crisp wrappers are one of the highest volume items. In a Scottish survey* only one sweet wrapper, from the multitude collected, had been designed to naturally biodegrade. The majority are made with plastic content and, therefore, are not widely recycled. They survive for decades, possibly […]

Is 2023 a Good Time to Launch an E-commerce Business?

As inflation impacts consumers and they have less disposable income is it too risky to launch an e-commerce business in 2023? Consumer Spending Online The cost of living rises have forced many consumers to consider their purchases, however, they are still spending online. Data from ACI Worldwide* revealed that from October to December 2022 online […]