
Simplified Packaging Design

Social media influencers are an important marketing resource for many brands. This is driving a fresh approach to packaging design. To encourage their boxes, pouches and bottles, brands need distinctive colours, bold fonts and strong graphics.

When styling boxes and labels that will be displayed on the shelf, designers know that the customer can handle and read the information. Pattern can be intricate and small text can provide brand stories. However, it is a different matter for packaging that will primarily be viewed online.

Packaging Design for Social Shares

The branding, graphics and font needs to be clear and appealing in a thumbnail images, social shares or influencer unboxing videos. This has led to simplified designs, but that doesn’t mean boring.

Packaging manufacturers are seeing an increased demand for solid blocks of colour, geometric and stylised graphics and large font. Pairing back whilst retaining a signature style that is attractive, informative and desirable is a challenge for packaging designers, but it has great impact when it works.

Keep an eye on the Dezeen Packaging Design Pinterest Board for fresh inspiration!