recycle logo on cardboard pacakging

Boosting UK Packaging Recycling Rates

Packaging recycling rates in the UK have plateaued in recent…

Greenwashing or Eco Packaging?

In response to consumers’ environmental concerns, eco packaging…
man refilling water bottle

Embrace Reusable Packaging

There is growing interest in refillable and reusable  packaging…
Stack of British Timber against blue sky background

Grown in Britain Packaging & Furniture

For the Coronation ceremony, King Charles III commissioned 100…

Paper, Cardboard & Wood Recycling Rates

Paper, cardboard and wood are all used to create packaging. Originating…
seaweed paper on bamboo mat

Innovation in Sustainable Packaging

Sustainable packaging includes cardboard boxes, aluminium cans,…
recycle logo on cardboard pacakging

To Recycle or Not To Recycle

That is the question that many consumers contemplate when disposing…
Arrows moving in circular direction

Linear V Circular Economy

You may have heard the terms linear economy and circular economy,…

Ethical Easter Egg Boxes

Egg boxes used for fresh eggs are widely made from recycled paper…

Packaging Essential 2023

How can packaging design help to differentiate products in 2023?…

Is Sustainability Core to your Packaging Requirements?

The days of excessive layers of packaging and single-use plastic…

Recyclable v Reusable Food Packaging

Is it more environmentally friendly for cafes and takeaways to…

Is Next-day Delivery a Cause of Packaging Waste?

One of the appeals of online shopping is convenience. You can…

Is Organic Worth the Extra Cost?

Nature Would Chose Organic is the slogan for Organic September,…

Do Standard or Bespoke Boxes Lower Carbon Footprint?

In a search for cheap packaging, a standard stock cardboard box…