
Fruit & Veg Boxes Saving Waste

550 tonnes of food could be saved due to a collaboration between UK retailers and a London-based charity.

Food Parcels Benefitting People & the Environment

The Felix Project has partnered with Western International Markets (WIM) on a scheme to redistribute unsold stock into fruit & veg boxes for deprived families. Working with over 100 traders, WIM redirects leftover produce, that is fit for consumption, to The Felix Project. In turn, they send it to four London organisations who create essential food parcels for families in need.

These fruit and veg boxes provide ingredients for healthier meals, including children’s packed lunches. At the same time, it reduces unnecessary waste and negative environmental impact. The scheme has already prevented 60 tonnes of food waste and at this rate, 550 tonnes could be redistributed in the first year.

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Reduce Waste

Rethinking what we buy and what we use, to find ways to reduce waste is essential. This scheme shows the difference that collaboration can make. Even the boxes used to redistribute the produce can be reused or recycled!