
Buckinghamshire Bans Balloons

Are balloons a colourful bit of fun or an unnecessary plastic product that we can do without? That’s a question being explored by Buckinghamshire Council.

Social & Environmental Impact

The production of all products and packaging has a social and environmental impact. For a start, raw materials, energy and other resources are used in the process and carbon is released. Equally, some products have a long-term value, whilst others soon add to the mounting waste issue.

As we shift thinking to more sustainable solutions, we recognise that the manufacturing and sale of certain items have a detrimental impact. In response, laws are created to ban certain items or limit sales.

Buckinghamshire Street Traders Face Bans

The UK Government has placed a ‘no exemption’ ban on single-use plastic cutlery, balloon sticks and drink stirrers, along with polystyrene food and drink containers. However, some authorities are adding to the list. Buckinghamshire Council is one example. They are circulating a draft proposal that will limit the goods sold by the county’s street traders.

If agreed, no street trader will be permitted to sell balloons in Bucks. Vapes, single-use plastic and sky lanterns will also be banned. These items are all known to have a negative environmental impact. In addition, there will be restrictions on fast food being sold near schools and products featuring offensive or sexual language. These, along with vapes have a negative social impact.

Consultation on the draft proposal is open for a couple of weeks. What are your thoughts on limiting the sale of goods which have a negative social and/or environmental impact?

Should councils, manufacturers, packaging suppliers and retailers take greater responsibility for reducing non-sustainable goods? Or, should the decision be left to buyers?