
Cardboard Drones Helping Ukraine

Corrugated cardboard is a strong, lightweight material that can be cut and folded into a seemingly endless variety of shapes. There are impressive examples of durable cardboard furniture, surfboards and sculptures. Now cardboard drones have been added to the list.

Cardboard, Sticky Tape & Elastic Bands

Cardboard, sticky tape and elastic bands sound like the materials collected for a primary school project. However, a monthly delivery of these items is helping Ukraine defend its land from Russian invasion. It sounds incredible, almost unbelievable, but small cardboard drones are being loaded with explosives.

The military-grade, unmanned aerial vehicles are sent flat pack from a company in Australia to Ukraine. Once assembled and loaded, they can be launched and precisely directed to Russian airfields and military bases. With 100 being shipped every month, they are reported to be effective in taking out aircraft and other Russian assets.

Read more on this story: https://www.forces.net/technology/cardboard-drones-held-together-elastic-bands-and-tape-used-ukraine

A Future for Cardboard Drones

Low cost, and able to carry 3kg to distances of around 75miles, there could be plenty of other, no military, uses for cardboard drones. The company is currently developing a new version, which it hopes will carry 6kg. Could this support humanitarian efforts or help connect remote communities around the globe?

We work with cardboard every day, but can still be surprised by its potential!