start-up business

Advice for Ecommerce Business Start-ups

You dream of working for yourself and have an e-commerce business idea in mind, but where to start? Ecommerce offers the potential to set up a business without extensive investment. It can provide a way to make a living on your terms, however, there is a lot to plan before you dive in.

Are you clear that there is a market for what you want to sell? Do you understand consumer rights and other legalities associated with online sales? Have you thought about the importance of bespoke packaging in elevating your product and brand? These points and more are raised in 7 Steps for Launching an E-commerce Business.

We also suggest taking every opportunity to speak with other entrepreneurs and listen to their advice. Join local networking groups and online forums to draw on the experience of others and learn. To get you started, here are three forum groups* that you may choose to join:

Facebook E-commerce Group

Facebook Start-up Business Help

UK Business Forum

* We have no connections with these groups and can take no responsibility for the content published on them.